Brass ash

Product Detail

Brass ash

Brass ash is a by-product of brass melting and processing industries, formed as a fine, oxidized residue during the smelting and casting of brass alloys. It contains brass metal particles along with oxides and other impurities. Brass ash is commonly recycled to recover valuable metals like copper and zinc, making it an important material in the metal recovery and refining industries.


Specifications vary depending on the type and intended use of the scrap. Below are general parameters:

  • Purity: Typically ranges from 50% to 80% brass content (depending on processing).
  • Metal Composition:
    • Copper (Cu): 40% – 70%
    • Zinc (Zn): 10% – 30%
    • Lead (Pb): ≤ 5%
    • Iron (Fe): ≤ 2%
  • Form: Powdery or flaky residue with metal granules.
  • Moisture Content: ≤ 3% (varies based on collection and storage).
  • Packaging: Loose, in bags, or in drums.


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